我们相信有一位又活又真的神, eternally existing in three persons; the Father, 儿子, 和圣灵, equal in 权力 and glory; that this triune God created all, 维护所有, 主宰一切.
Genesis 1:26; Deuteronomy 6:4; Matthew 28:19; Luke 3:22
我们相信父神是无限的, 个人的精神, 完全圣洁, 智慧, 权力, and love; that He concerns Himself mercifully in the affairs of men; that He hears and answers prayer; and that He saves all who come to Him through faith in His Son, 耶稣基督, 远离罪和死亡的永恒后果.
John 4:24; I Corinthians 8:6; Ephesians 3:14; Ephesians 5:20; James 1:17
Matthew 28:19; Acts 2:38; Acts 8:36-38; Acts 10:47-48
我们信主的圣餐,也就是圣餐, 就是我们主耶稣基督为赎罪而死,直等到他来的日子.
Matthew 26:26-29; 1 Corinthians 10:16-17; 1Corinthians 11:23-26
我们相信“有福的希望”, 个人迫在眉睫, pre-tribulation and pre-millennial coming of the Lord 耶稣基督 for His redeemed ones; and in His subsequent bodily return to earth, 与他的圣徒一起建立他的千年王国.
Titus 2:13; 1 Corinthians 15:51-52; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 John 2:28; Jude 1:14; Revelation 19:11-16
我们信仰普世教会, 在活的灵性身体里, 基督是教会的头,所有重生的人都是教会的肢体.
Matthew 16:18; Ephesians 3:14-15; Ephesians 4:4; Colossians 1:18
Acts 6:5-6; Acts 13:2-3; 1 Timothy 5:22; James 5:14-15
WE BELIEVE worship of God should be spiritual; therefore, 我们要保持灵活,顺服圣灵的引导来指引我们的敬拜.
John 3:8; John 4:23; Ephesians 5:19-20
WE BELIEVE worship of God should be intelligent; therefore, 我们的敬拜特别强调神的话语的教导,这样他就可以指示我们应该怎样敬拜他. 我们力求教导神的话语,使它的信息能应用到每个人的生活中, 带领那个人在基督里更成熟. 我们既教释经式的(逐节),也教主题式的.